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杨树 (Populusspp .)是我国主要造林和工业用材树种之一 ,据统计我国杨树人工林面积达 666×1 0 4hm2 (王世绩 ,1 995 )。但杨树天牛危害十分猖獗 ,其中光肩星天牛 (Anoplophoraglabripennis)和黄斑星天牛 (Anoplophoranobi  相似文献   
Nitrogen fixing and non-N2 fixing legumes such as Gliricidia speium and Senna siamea have been used in alley cropping systems for soil improvement and source of N for food crops. However their establishments could be limited by P and moisture deficiencies in degraded soils. Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi can help to overcome these deficiencies. We examined the effects of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus, Glomus deserticola, on the performance of sole hedgerow trees of Gliricidia sepium and Senna siamea and their mixtures (interplanted) in a fallowed alley cropping experiment on a degraded Alfisol in southwestern Nigeria. Percentage root infection by VAM fungi was higher in inoculated plants than in uninoculated ones irrespective of whether they were interplanted or non-interplanted. Inoculation with G. deserticola increased dry matter accumulation and nutrient uptake (N. P, Mg and K) but there was no significant interaction between mycorrhizal inoculation and interplanting for growth and nutrient uptake except for the uptake of P, Mg and K in G. sepium. Inoculation with G. deserticola reduced leaf shedding of G. sepium by 50% but did not have the same effect for S. siamea. For both tree species inoculated plants extracted more water from 0–30 cm depth than the uninoculated ones.  相似文献   
松树截根菌根化育苗和造林的研究*   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据苗木根系分泌物能促进菌根真菌萌发和生长的原理,结合我国林业育苗的特点,提出了松树幼苗截根与人工接种菌根真菌结合的育苗方式。结果表明,截根菌根化育苗在促进根系发育和菌根形成,加速苗木生长,提高苗木生物量、苗木质量和产苗量等方面都有显著优势,苗木的侧根数、侧根总长、苗木菌根化率、吸收根菌根化率、苗高、地径、鲜重、干重分别提高20.0%~960.0%、56.2%~389.5%、0.0%~400.0%、56.2%~1792.0%、22.3%~179.3%、31.2%~253.8%、33.3%~918.2%和21.8%~740.0%,苗木成活率和Ⅰ级苗分别提高9.0%~22.1%和49.3%~150.0%,Ⅱ、Ⅲ级苗和等外苗分别降低40.6%~77.3%、61.6%~88.5%和82.5%~100.0%。利用截根菌根化苗木造林,提高成活保存率5.5%~46.0%,并促进幼树生长,树高、地径和材积指数分别增加13.0%~56.4%、25.5%~61.7%和87.8%~450.0%。效益分析证明,截根菌根化育苗具有明显的经济效益和社会效益,仅苗期可定量计算的增收(节支)总额可达44662元/hm2。  相似文献   
PGPB对红树植物木榄幼苗的接种效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过盆栽试验研究了植物促生菌(PGPB)对红树植物木榄幼苗的接种效应,供试菌为6种解磷菌(即B.amy,Vib,B.atr,Xan,B.Lic,P.M.)和5种固氮菌(即Au4,Phy,24S,JA4,cd),结果表明:(1)分别接种6种解磷菌株6个月后木榄幼苗的生长均得到了不同程度的促进,与对照相比,木榄苗高增加21.57%~9.54%,生物量增加27.49%~20.32%,叶片的氮含量增加33.33%~1.35%,叶片的磷含量增加24.42%~2.04%;经差异显著性检验,B.amy和Vib 2个菌种对木榄幼苗的促生效应比其它解磷菌株更明显;(2)分别接种5种固氮菌株6个月后木榄幼苗的生长均得到了促进,与对照相比,木榄幼苗的均高增加24.07%~10.22%,生物量增加32.36%~19.71%,叶片的氮含量增加23.39%~4.05%,叶片的磷含量增加32.79%~4.99%;差异显著性检验表明:Au4和Phy 2个菌种对木榄幼苗的促生效果比其它固氮菌更显著.  相似文献   
河南桧柏采用嫩枝“全光雾”扦插育苗,试验表明:对难生根珍贵树种用此法育苗可大大缩短育苗周期,提高苗木产量和质量,应大力推广此种育苗方法。  相似文献   
飞机喷洒Bt粉剂防治天然胡杨林春尺蠖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用Y-5B型飞机低量喷洒16 000 IU/mg的Bt可湿性粉剂防治天然胡杨林春尺蠖,用量为1 500 g/hm2和1 200 g/hm2。结果表明两种剂量都具有高效持效的特点,1 200 g/hm2可使虫口减退率达到97%,有效地减轻了春尺蠖对新疆天然胡杨林的危害,防治成本有所下降。  相似文献   
Using hydroponics and novel non‐destructive pot culture systems which enable inoculation at specific tuber development stages, the dynamics of common scab infection patterns in potato were studied in order to provide more precise identification of tuber physiological factors associated with susceptibility. At the whole‐tuber level, infection percentages were greatest when Streptomyces scabiei inoculation occurred early; at 2 weeks after tuberization (WAT) 68% of tubers became infected, contrasting with late inoculation (8 WAT), when only 4% infection occurred. The first‐formed internodes were most susceptible to infection, whilst later‐forming and slower‐expanding internodes were less susceptible. Detailed tuber physiological examination of internode 2 showed that pathogen‐induced changes, including increased phellem (periderm) thickness, cell layers and phellem suberization (key physiological features believed critical to S. scabiei infection) were promoted through S. scabiei inoculation. Sequential harvesting showed enhanced phellem suberization (28% greater than the control) within 7 days of pathogen exposure, while phellem thickness and layer responses were also initiated early in the infection process (10–14 days after pathogen exposure) and these responses were independent of symptom expression. Differences in cultivar response were observed, with greater phellem suberization observed 10 days after tuberization (DAT) in the common‐scab‐tolerant cv. Russet Burbank than in the susceptible cv. Desiree. Likewise, Russet Burbank had thicker and more numerous cell layers in the phellem (up to eight cell layers) during early tuber growth (20–30 DAT) than Desiree (up to six cell layers).  相似文献   
农药有效利用率与喷雾技术优化   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
提高农药的有效利用率是植保工作者非常关心的问题。本文阐述了农药有效利用率的广义和狭义涵义,并分析了农药使用中存在的药剂浪费、有效利用率低的问题。根据喷雾技术中的“剂量传递”过程,分析了农药有效利用率的狭义涵义,在春季果园和作物苗期,常规喷雾法的农药有效利用率只有20%~30%;在夏秋季果园和作物中后期,随着作物叶面积系数(LAI)的增加,农药的有效利用率可达到50%~60%。论文分析了造成农药有效利用率低的原因,提出喷雾技术的优化措施:(1)大田喷雾时采用机动喷杆喷雾替代背负式手动常规喷雾,可以改善雾滴沉积分布的均匀性;(2)添加喷雾助剂可以提高药液在靶标表面的润湿性;(3)优化雾滴粒径,采用细雾滴替代粗雾滴可以提高雾滴的中靶率;(4)降低施药液量可以减少药液流失;(5)加装挡板可以减少雾滴飘失等。通过以上技术的优化,可以大幅度提高农药的有效利用率,达到减量增效的目的。  相似文献   
不同向日葵品种对黄萎病的抗性*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用浸根接种法鉴定不同向日葵种质资源对黄萎病的抗性差异。结果表明:40份供试向日葵品种依据抗性划分标准共分为3类,其中中抗品种有5份如:‘118’、‘新葵杂5号’等;低抗品种有8份如‘767’、‘KJ003’等;其余27份供试材料均呈现感病;没有鉴定出免疫和高抗的向日葵品种。  相似文献   
松茸菌株对6种松树幼苗的感染及其菌根解剖学研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用我国滇产松茸9924菌株及日产松茸99606菌株,分别对云南松、华山松、马尾松、火炬松、湿地松及加勒比松6种松树幼苗实施人工菌根接种。研究结果表明,接种后90d的云南松和湿地松分别有75%和78.1%的幼苗受感染并形成菌根;接种后180d,6种松树幼苗分部都可形成菌根,菌根感染率分别达90.63%-100%,感染指数达50.00-84.68;菌根形态主要有棒状、二叉分枝状及多叉分枝状3种;随树种的不同,各类菌根形态所占比例也不同;不同树种根系上形成菌根的长度也有差异,以马尾松根系上的菌根最长,华山松的菌根最短;此外,各种组合之间在菌套厚度,哈蒂氏网结构上也略有差别。  相似文献   
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